Defenders of Liberty

2nd Bombardment


1918 - 1993


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Front Cover

Inside Lining - (Patches of the Group and Squadrons)

Table of Contents

Pages 1 thru 50 - (Intro, Forward, Acknowledgments, Contents, Authors, Maps & Tables, Prologue, Beginning in 1918 thru 1923)

Pages 51 thru 100 - (1923 thru December 8, 1941)

Pages 101 thru 150 - (December 8, 1941 thru North African Bivouacs)

Pages 151 thru 200 - (North African Bivouacs thru Mission 124, January 15, 1944)

Pages 201 thru 250 - (Mission 124, January 15, 1944 thru Mission 263, August 29, 1944, The Darkest Day -A Squadron Lost)

Pages 251 thru 300 - (Mission 263, August 29, 1944, The Darkest Day -A Squadron Lost thru Mission 384, March 23, 1945)

Pages 301 thru 350 - (Mission 384, March 23, 1945 thru Boeing B-47 Stratojet, 1953)

Pages 351 thru 400 - (Boeing B-47 Stratojet, 1953 thru Operation Desert Storm, B-52 Night Bombing, 1990)

Pages 401 thru 450 - (Operation Desert Storm, B-52 Night Bombing, 1990 thru Appendix 20 - Roll of Honor WWII)

Pages 451 thru 488 - (Appendix 20 - Roll of Honor WWII thru Bibliography, Index)
